Monday, June 30, 2014

Rabbit Trails

 It is quite normal on any day home for me to flit between have-to projects and want-to projects without finishing any completely until the end. For instance, if you are painting something, dyeing something and doing the dishes, you start the dye water heating, then paint so a layer will dry, then do the dishes while you keep an eye on the water.Add about five more things and you have Sunday!
All week while doing futile time consuming work, I'm thinking of these projects, and come day off its just too hard to choose. This method is crazy but a lot gets done. Until, of course, you add the camera. Then its off chasing shafts of sunlight across the house while stuff burns.
This house does get the most beautiful light at all times of day and in all weathers. Shimmering, shifting bars of it are dancing on my keyboard right this moment from the window.
 It is a petite home, and I love that. It can be challenging sometimes, fitting all the little things, hammers, buckets, band aids that you seem to need but don't use often, and all the things that you want. But it also puts you on intimate terms with everything you own, it is all really used or really loved. That, to my mind, is the definition of cozy.
A great deal of what is in the house was acquired from nature. Chris and I love hiking and exploring, and looking at the shells, rocks and flowers makes us smile. Everything has a story here.
 What makes a house a home to you?

Have a wonderful day! 

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